School Admissions

Information on applying for a primary school place can be found by clicking here.

Admission Number

In 2024, Longney Church of England Primary Academy has a pupil admission number (PAN) of 15 reception pupils. Children will normally be admitted in the school year in which they reach their fifth birthday.

Application Process

The Local Authority will process applications for the school.  Applications should be sent to the Coordinated Admissions Team at Shire Hall, Gloucester, GL1 2TP.

From the 3rd November 2023 you will be able to apply online. The application form can be obtained from the LA website by clicking here.

The closing date for applications is 15 January 2024

Offers will be made on Tuesday 16th April 2024

In-year Admissions

Please read the school’s Admission Arrangements Policy in conjunction with this information.

To apply for a place in one of the year groups during the academic year at Longney Church of England Primary Academy, parents should complete an application form which can be obtained here.

Completed forms should be returned to Longney C of E Primary Academy, Chatter Street, Longney, Gloucester, GL2 3SL  or

We will offer in-year places up to the overall capacity of the year group and we cannot guarantee a place at the academy if the number of children has reached the overall capacity.  All in-year applications will be considered, depending on the availability of places and prioritised according to the oversubscription criteria as stated in the Admission Arrangements Policy.

The Diocese of Gloucester Academies Trust (DGAT) acting in its role as admission authority of the schools listed above is currently determining proposed admission arrangements for admissions to the school in September 2025.  As determined by the School Admissions Code, the Trust is required to consult on these arrangements, and invites comments on the proposed changes.

A copy of the proposed admissions policy is available on the DGAT website for your information.

Alternatively, if you require a hard copy of the policy please contact Nicki Wadley, the Trust’s head of governance and people directly at with ‘Admissions Policy Comments’ as the email title.