Our Vision
'Building Community, Enriching Lives'
This vision is inspired by 1 Corinthians 12: 12-26. As a school we recognise that ‘just as a body, though one, has many parts’, we must all work together in the community we have built at Longney, allowing each of us to take an equally important and unique role; embracing diversity, celebrating and supporting one another in our differences and enriching all our lives. ‘If one part suffers, every part suffers with it. If one part is honoured, every part shares in its joy.’
At Longney, our lives are full of joy, compassion, harmony and belief. These four key values underpin everything we do at Longney and allow us to live out our vision every day.
Our vision at Longney sits within the wider vision of both the Diocese of Gloucester Academy Trust and the Church of England vision for education, both of which are underpinned by John 10:10 ‘life in all it’s fullness’.